In this session, you'll be free to speak about this topic, which was chosen by the class to develop during this blogsession.
For me, music is many things. I really love listening to it, and I even like singing.
I believe I can sing, even though I'm clearly not a talented singer. In my opinion, singing has to do with emotions, and not only techniques and voice. So maybe everyone could be a singer, if they found a song they could truly sing from their heart.
Now, from the listener point of view, I think music nowadays has been corrupted by the market, I mean, the music industry. Most of nowadays musicians seem to sing in a very shallow way, and the styles and lyrics that are popular these days, are not very good.
My favorite music styles are rock, reggae and hip hop. For a long time now, I've been listening to Sublime almost every day. Have you heard this band before?
Here's one of their songs :)
What music styles do you like?
Do you prefer listening or playing?
Who is the biggest musician or band in the world?
What's the importance of music in your life?
Those are some questions that can help you develop your writing.
Please leave a comment on my post!
And don't forget to comment on at least 3 of your classmates' posts.
Minimum word count 180.
I think similar, singing is not about doing it right or wrong, it's more emotional, you just have to be happy doing it (:
ResponderBorrarMusic is a gift that we can share with everybody!!. Absolutely agree with you, teacher :)
ResponderBorrarthe music is so important for days when you are feeling blue...
ResponderBorrarI dont know that band, but I am going to listen it. I think that the old music is better that the new music
ResponderBorrarnever i listen sublime, because I did not know this band, I'll listen to it today :D
ResponderBorrarI'm a big fan of rock music but I didn't know this band !
ResponderBorrarI think the same of singing, in the end what matters is the emotion that one transmits
ResponderBorrarI also think that singing has to do with emotion :)
ResponderBorrarI love that you think that we are all good singers and we sing with the heart jajajaj
ResponderBorrarYes, i agree, the music was corrupted by the market
ResponderBorrarI am charmed with the rock but also I feel that this handled by the market
ResponderBorrarit´s true nowadays the music is very shallow, is sad.
ResponderBorrarIt's amazing that you like the reggae. I like it too, but I´ve never liked the rock.
ResponderBorrarI'll never thought you like hip hop, that's great!