martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

Post 5

Today's post will be about our second chosen topic, that is: Places to kill time.

When you guys decide, you put me to the task of creating sample posts for you to read before start writing, and it's usually fine, because I love writing. This time it hasn't been as easy as before, the topic seems vague but I'll do my best to write something readworthy.

The expression <matar el tiempo> has a certain connotation that I do not completely understand, since time itself is such a complex concept. I believe time can't be killed, it's almost as if it was only possible to live time... but I guess that's not the point of the topic you chose.

To kill time is to spend free time in which you "don't have" anything to do, so I guess the time I usually have to kill, is the time I have in between classes in Santiago. This semester I'm teaching five courses. They all belong to faculties around downtown Santiago so every morning I move all over any of these faculties: 'Odonto', FAU, EGGP, and Artes Centro.

My main activities during my transit in between these faculties are usually to run different errands, to send and receive parcels, and to have breakfast/lunch so I find it best to talk about the latter.
My favorite place to kill time would be the food court near EGGP, specifically next to Entel tower.

Resultado de imagen para artevegetal Resultado de imagen para artevegetal

There I can not only choose from a variety of options, but also I get to be very close to a shop named Arte Vegetal, which is one block away there, they sell a huge assortment of vegan/vegetarian products :)

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on my post.
- Minimum Word Count: 210 words

- Remember: NO TRANSLATOR! web dictionaries are allowed, and of course you can call me and I'll go to your seat.

17 comentarios:

  1. Hi Teacher!

    When we were at the old EGGP building I used to "kill time" at that place too, is very nice!


  2. I also know that place, it's pretty interesting!! Santiago downtown have good places to kill time :)

  3. Mr! I did not know that place existed :O, I hope to visit Arte Vegetal soon :)

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I love that store! I really like their sweets of quinoa cocoa hahaha

  6. I dont know that plcae, I hope to visit soon.

  7. I think it's a very good place to kill time :D

  8. Hi, teacher, I liked your little reflection initial.

  9. ahh! now you feel what I feel every time when I have to write a new blog... hahah

  10. when we were in Moneda , I also liked to kill time in Santiago Downtown


  11. Thanks for the piece of information about Vegetal Art, one a this days I will going to!

  12. I´ve never been to that store, I´m going to visit it.

  13. When we study in Moneda, I loved walking around the Alameda


  14. In that place they sell very tasty food!!

  15. I would love to try this shop now that I have learned more about it :)
